What is Osteopathy
Osteopathy is a way of detecting and treating damaged parts of the body such as muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints. When the body is balanced and efficient, just like a well tuned engine, it will function with the minimum of wear and tear, leaving more energy for living. Osteopaths consider each person as an individual. On your first visit, the osteopath will spend time taking a detailed medical history including important information about your lifestyle and diet. An examination will be carried out (you may be asked to remove some clothing for this), and you may then be asked to perform a few simple movements so the osteopath can assess the problem. With their highly developed sense of touch (called palpation) the osteopath will identify abnormalities within the human structure and function. They will be able to identify and assess areas of weakness, tenderness, restriction or strain within your body. This will allow the osteopath to reach a diagnosis and develop a unique treatment plan specifically tailored to your individual needs and concerns.
Treatment will be aimed at helping to restore your normal musculoskeletal stability and function. This will usually involve releasing and relaxing muscles and mobilising stiff joints, using gentle massage techniques, rhythmic joints movements and muscle release techniques. The osteopath may also carry out manipulation using short quick movements to joints to improve their overall function. Other techniques may be used depending on the problem. The osteopath works with your body to create the perfect conditions to facilitate the healing process. Your osteopath should make you feel at ease and communicate what he is doing. Do feel free to ask questions at anytime during your consultation if you are unsure of anything.
Advice on self help and pain management exercises are usually given to enhance the benefits of the treatment, minimising the patient’s symptoms and improving their quality of life.